
Your Business.
✓ Documented.

Ensure your organisation’s processes, policies, procedures and methods are documented. Easily & Visually.

Coming soon:

Protect your business — keep it in the cloud

People have their business in their heads (at best, or just make it up as they go)

They often don’t even know that this is the case

When they do realise this, they usually don’t know what to do about it or how to do it (or they go about it the wrong way)

KBASED is fast & efficient

Document, store and update how your business does business (don’t worry — it’s only accessible by you)

Enter your business processes & procedures quickly and easily

Keep it all up to date, any time, from any device

Get best practice

Visualise your processes by role and drill down to detailed step-based documentation

Invite your staff to create, edit and manage your KBased

All your staff have an overview of the business, how they fit in, and easily see efficiency gains

KBased is a web-based, always available and very connected tool to store, manage and update your business’ processes & procedures — just like Xero, Microsoft Office 365, PocketRent and thousands of others, we believe in the power and flexibility of the Cloud.

You’ll enjoy using it and enjoy even more the results you’ll see.

Visually Clear

By utilising lanes to define roles, we can see a great overview of who does what, and how these steps interact with other roles. Fantastic for:

  • New Staff Members needing training or process overviews
  • Identifying redundant steps in a process

Edit anywhere

Reduce the steps required update your content, either by you or by any staff you’ve invited into your Knowledge Base(s).

All changes are saved as you type, drag, or select to tailor your individual business’ processes and supporting documentation.

See versions at any time and roll back to a previous published state — never worry about losing work or making erroneous edits.

Bird’s Eye Views

See at a glance where everything in your business fits, while having the power to add content whenever you feel inspiration come on.

For more information sign up for our early release newsletter above, or email the founders: Frank & Mark.

Coming soon: